Departure time zones

Time zones
Bus departure times
for the plant
A 1 8:30 48
2 8:50 48
3 9:10 48
4 9:30 48
5 9:50 48
B 1 10:10 48
2 10:30 48
3 10:50 48
4 11:10 48
5 11:30 48
C 1 12:30 48
2 12:50 48
3 13:10 48
4 13:30 48
5 13:50 48
D 1 14:10 48
2 14:50 48
3 15:10 48
4 15:30 48
5 16:00 48


※The bus departure times cannot be chosen.Please choose a time zone.
※The meeting time is 10 minutes before the scheduled departure of each operation.